Homepage GP 12070 HK

Packing machine

Catalog No. :6337
Type:GP 12070 HK
Made in:2010
Machine weight: 500 kg
Machine dimensions:: 2800 x 1200 x 1100 mm
The machine is used for manual packing of goods in polyethylene half-sleeves.
Packing Process:
The operator inserts the parts into the half-sleeve to be packed.
Then he manually pulls the half-sleeve and parts into the welding area and closes the lid of the machine.
The half-sleeve is welded with the help of two welding strips and thus closes the package from all sides.
After lifting the lid of the machine either the operator can remove the finished package from the welding area and store it in a carton or the conveyor belt takes the finished package out of the machine and it falls into a prepared box behind the machine.
