Homepage MCP-H 250

Machining Centre (horizontal)

Catalog No. :1705
Type:MCP-H 250
Made in:1997
(GO: 2013) general overhauling of the tool change
Replaced brake for B-axis
Working hours: 99003 h
Central spindle/axes Time : 60152 h
CNC path control Uni-Pro CNC 90 with digital drive technology DIGI-Drive
X: 800 mm
Y: 800 mm
Z: 970 mm
B: 360 x 1 °
Pallet size 500 x 630 mm
Palette Number 2-fold
Speed ​​range up to 6000 1 / min
Spindle drive power 36 kW
Gear stage 2
Rapid traverse 24 m / min
Feed up to 24000 mm / min
Tool magazine 52 tool stations
Tool holder ISO 50
Max. Tool. 112/220 mm
Max. Tool length 450 mm
Max.the tool weight. 25 kg
Feed forces x-and y-axis 15000 N
Force z-axis 20000
Total power requirement: 50 kW
Machine weight: about 16200 kg
Machine dimensions: approx 6000 x 4100 x 4000 mm
Chip conveyor discharge height 1200 mm
Tool life monitoring
Internal coolant supply. 7 pressure ratings up to 50 bar
Hydraulic workpiece clamping
Setup station
Manually 4x90 ° rotatable
Broken tool monitoring
Pallet change strategy
Coolant installations
