HomepageMachining centers BM-1400

CNC Machining centre (Vertical)

Catalog No. :4662
Made in:2008
Control system: HEIDENHAIN iTNC-530
Total hours: 21307 h
Cutting Hours: 7630 h
Length of the working table: 1500 mm
Width of the working table: 800 mm
Maximum table load (evenly distributed): 1800 kg
Power of the spindle drive: 18.2 kW
Number of tools in the magazine: 30 pcs
Minimum rotary speed of the vertical spindle: 30 1/min
Maximum rotary speed of the vertical spindle: 6000 1/min
Minimum distance of the spindle from the table: 200 mm
Maximum distance of the spindle from the table: 900 mm
Throat depth (distance of the spindle axis from the frame): 820 mm
Travel length X-axis (mechanical feed): 1400 mm
Travel length Y-axis (mechanical feed): 800 mm
Travel length Z-axis (mechanical feed): 700 mm
Maximum feed rate in X-axis: 8000 mm/min
Maximum feed rate in Y-axis: 8000 mm/min
Maximum feed rate in Z-axis: 8000 mm/min
Taper: ISO 50
Maximum tool length: 350 mm
Tool diameter: 225 mm
Rapid traverse X/Y/Z: 20/20/18 m/min
Max. tool weight: 15 m/min
Machine weight: 12 t
Technical books
Chip conveyor
System backup

